Pic by Joseph(Bro-in-law)

Misunderstood, misjudged, misinterpreted;
emotional, sensitive, easily overwhelmed.
Often perceived as arrogant,
self-centered and distant.
Hate’s confrontation;
finds solace in art, be it of any form.
Love living life in their imaginations,
where they create a world
filled with endless possibilities.
Laugh the loudest when hurt the most,
their emotions they hide like a thief.
Might seem detached,
always lost in their own thoughts;
although quite the jabber
once you know them.
Don’t be deceived by the mask they wear,
they seem to be as hard as a coconut shell outside,
but are soft and sweet inside.

Dear introverts out there, this poem is dedicated to us all. 💖

#I am a little bit of all the 4 types of introvert, “Social, thinking, anxious and restrained or inhibited introvert.” Which type of introvert are you? I you still haven’t figured it out watch the video down below to find out which introvert you are. 👇

The introvert writer © 2022

Published by

Daphny Aqua

A passionate writer who pours out her heart in writings.

57 thoughts on “INTROVERTS”

  1. I’m an INFP introvert, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (extremely introverted). Your poem resonates so well with me, almost as if it was written with me in mind. You’re a wonderful writer, Daphny, and your words are deep and meaningful. Well done! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. According to that I am an INFJ-T introvert(some people brings out the extrovert in me). 😁
      It is for us introverts so everyone was in mind while writing it and I am really glad you resonate with it. Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot. 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Some people don’t really shine the way they deserve to as it gets hard for them. Extroverts feels easier to blend in and shine while for introverts it becomes an issue.


  2. Finally!! Thank you for this, Daph. Now I know that I am a restrained introvert, hah. I could resonate with most of the aspects in the poem and then the video too made them clear by putting them in categories. What an amazing post! This is just why I always miss your posts. They are really very helpful, dear. Thanks for returning joy and marveling onto our faces with this charming piece.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re most welcome Lam, glad I could help. 😁
      So very glad that you resonate with the poem and the video is made by my cousin brother. 🙂
      Aww.. you are too kind, always love hearing from you it makes my day much brighter. Thank you so much for always being such an amazing reader and thank you for all the kind and encouraging words. 💖💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Most welcome, and many thanks to you too indeed. The poem spoke right to the core of my life. Your brother too must be such a genious to put these together into such an amazing video. In fact, imma subscribe to his channel straight away. 💖

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So glad it did, I’ve waited for so long to post this poem but then thought it might not be good enough again haha… That he is. 🥰
        Aww.. Thank you so much, it will make him very happy. 😇💖💖


      3. Why not? It’s very good as it is. I could feel every word of it. You’re a great poet who knows the evocative use of words, and it’s nothing to turn a blind eye to. Keep writing, dear. 😄😊❤❤

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Given the title of the poem I feel the need to make it perfect and when you look for perfection you start doubting yourself a lot. 😅
        Thank you for your kind words that makes it all better. 🥰💖

        Liked by 1 person

      5. The title’s just perfect because that’s what the poem’s about. Look at this: “Love living life in their imaginations,
        where they create a world
        filled with endless possibilities.” That cleverly rolls it up into a beautiful thought about who we are. 👏 Plausible!!! ❤💕❤

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Brilliant poetry, this one! Could relate to you on a spiritual level. Introverts are so misinterpreted due to the mystery surrounding them (us?). I’m all 4 types of introvert as well.
    Absotlely splendidly written. What an amazing pic! 😃 So creative! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A beautiful tribute, dear Daphny. Though I perform often as extroverted, I am deeply introverted and have a large inner life. This is the paradox of these styles. One may seem one style, yet also possess others, as you write. As a child I was often labeled as sensitive and shy, which became an embarrassment for me. Today, I embrace my sensitivity as it is a true gift. Love this poem and post. 💖💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much dear Jeff! Even I have some extrovert side of me but that side hardly comes out 😁
      Really glad you embrace your sensitivity as a gift. ❤️
      Once again thank you so much my friend. 🥰❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re most welcome, dear Daphny. Always! Ah, I totally understand that. I actually resonate and connect most with people who trend toward introversion. ❤️ Yes, I am glad too. 🥰❤️Always my pleasure. ❤️

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  5. I’m an INFJ introvert and I love your caption saying that ‘what you can’t say, write it louder’. It’s exactly accurate for an introvert teen like me. Thank you Daphny for reminding me that I am not alone.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am an introvert so the inner workings of this poem connect and touch me! I love how the outer shell of outside perception gives the inner thought a sheltered place of sorts to be nurtured and grow. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am a social introvert. I don’t like to talk or chat too much. I answer briefly. I like my own company. I sit alone and do something creative from the heart. Thank you for sharing this post. I understood something about me🙂

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