Photo by Liza Summer on

Are you tired and drained?
Overwhelmed by life’s agony?
Does it feel like life has you refrained,
because it got the best of your sanity?
I know the journey is long and exhausting
but don’t lose hope and don’t give up.
At times it can be overwhelming,
stay strong with your head held up.
If every so often you feel lost and weary,
pause and look at the life you’ve lived,
it might seem scary,
capture the struggles you faced,
the hardships you overcame.
Then, unpause look how far you’ve come,
how much you have conquered yet again.
Remember, you still have miles to go,
with many more accomplishments yet to achieve;
just believe in yourself no matter the conflict.

The introvert writer © 2021

Published by

Daphny Aqua

A passionate writer who pours out her heart in writings.

79 thoughts on “DON’T GIVE UP”

      1. I’ve had probably 4 or 5 blogs. Always the same thing… starting off slow, picks up energy, abrupt ending. I think of it like chewing gum, after people read a few posts they move on. I’m either not a writer or I’m as weird as I think I am 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hey welcome to the team, you’ve met ypur weird partner 😂 Don’t focus too much on people reading it or not, simply focus on what you want to write and post and keep doin that hard work takes time to pay off 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Well I’ve learned that I’ll probably never post poetry anymore… I’ve had problems with people liking more than my writing 😳🤦‍♂️

        I’m dang near contemplating deleting my account because I stayed on to support some people even though I don’t write anymore… and few of them seem to care.

        I’m a real downer 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I would’ve loved to read your poems, I’m kinda very positive in that senario I write and post my works because it makes me happy 😁😅 Hopefully I can encourage you enough to write again someday 🤞🤪

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I think you’re screwing up because I’m reading more posts and I’m talking a lot. You can tell me to go, I’m pretty obedient. Otherwise, you could end up with an entire following of 1 lol!

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